
姓 名 : 苏明

性 别 :

所属部门: 密码科学与技术系

行政职务: 副系主任

职 称 : 副研究员

学 历 : 博士

所学专业: 信息科学


电子邮件: suming@nankai.edu.cn

研究方向: 序列复杂度及算法;数字水印及多媒体安全; 区块链基础及应用


1995入bevictor伟德官网数学试点班学习基础数学,1999在bevictor伟德官网数学学院信息科学专业直博,主要研究方向包括序列复杂度和相关算法,信息论,数字水印、区块链。期间于2002.3-9在微软亚洲研究院网络多媒体组,2003.12-2004.8在IBM中国研究中心数字媒体组以访问员工的身份从事数字版权管理方案的研究工作。2004.12获理学博士学位。2005-2007在信息学院网络信息实验室做博士后研究。2009-2020数次在奥地利科学学院进行短期学术合作研究,其中2009得到了奥地利EURASIA-PACIFIC UNINET研究基金,2014年得到了 Ernst-Mach研究基金的支持。2015-2016得到国家青年骨干教师留学基金支持访问加拿大滑铁卢大学电子工程系,以及卡尔顿大学数学与统计系。主持了国家自然科学基金青年基金,教育部博士点基金,天津市科技重点(区块链),教育部科技发展中心高校产学研创新基金(区块链领域)以及中国科学院信息工程研究所信工所合作课题。2007 留在bevictor伟德官网计算机系任教至今。担任国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Designs, Codes and Cryptography等知名国际期刊、会议评阅人。承担过bevictor伟德官网计算机科学与信息安全系本科算法导论、网络安全技术、Security Mechanisms in Algorithms, Protocols & Applications(全英文) 课程,区块链基础及应用课程; 研究生信息论与编码等课程。 已发表学术论文四十余篇;授权发明专利超过十余项。 已在有影响力的国际期刊(IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Designs Codes and Cryptography, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Cryptography and Communications, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, IEICE Trans. ) 、国际会议(SETA,IWSDA,ISIT、Trustcom;安全顶会IEEE S&P) 上以第一作者或通讯作者发表了多篇论文。

I entered department of mathematics of Nankai University and studied pure mathematics in 1995. Then I was a graduate in department of information theory from college of mathematics in 1999, and my major research directions were complexity of sequences, information theory, and digital right management. During Mar. 2002-Sep. 2002, I took intern at the Internet Media group of Microsoft Research Asia; and during Dec. 2003-Aug. 2004, I stayed at the digital media group in IBM China Research Lab; my major research topics were digital right management schemes as well as digital watermarking there. Afterwards I obtained Ph. D. in Dec. 2004. Later I was in network group at college of information technical science as a postdoc. Then I stayed in Austrian Academy of Science(Osterreichische Academie der Wissenschaften) as an OEAD scholar in 2009, which was supported by a European research funding, and I visited Austrian Academy of Science several times from 2009 to 2020. I also obtained the Ernst Mach award in 2014. During 2015-2016 I am a visiting scholar at Department of Maths and Statistics of Carleton University, and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Waterloo, Canada. I have taught courses including "Algorithm design and analysis ", "Network security", "Security mechanisms in algorithms and protocols & Applications" , and "Mechanisms of Blockchains and related Applications" for undergraduates; as well as "Coding and information theory" for graduates. I am looking for self-motivated graduate students with good maths/is/cs background, who are interested in complexity measures & algorithms of sequences, and secure engineering related topoics. Please feel free to ask if you have more interest.